Children's MinistryJesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)
We are honored that you trust us with your children, and we take that trust very seriously. We strive to ensure that every child in our care is safe, nurtured and loved as they learn about God's love for them. We know that you, as their parents, are their primary teachers and role-models, especially in matters of faith. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you to help your children know Jesus, grow in their knowledge and love for Him, and share His love with others. For more information, please contact our Children's Ministry Director, at (828) 682-2835 or Sundays for ChildrenChildren's Church
We welcome children of all ages in all of our worship services. Children's Church is available on Sundays during our 8:30 and 11:00 services. Kids ages 3 through 3rd grade have their own time of worshiping God and learning about Him in a fun atmosphere. We also have a Kid's Corner in the Sanctuary filled with books and quiet toys where children can play during the sermon. Infants & Toddlers A nursery, staffed with nurturing volunteers, is available in the Children's Ministry Center during the 8:30 service. Sunday School Fun, age-appropriate Christian education for preschool through 5th grade is offered at 10:00 every Sunday in the Children's Ministry Center. Living Inside OutBecome a LIO Kid! Over 20 years ago, Higgins began a weekly after-school Bible club, and it is still going strong! Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade are coming to know Jesus, growing in their relationships with Him, and sharing His love with others.
LIO Kids are picked up from Burnsville Elementary and Blue Ridge Elementary Schools every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and brought to the church for a snack, playground time, Bible lesson, crafts, activities and music from 3:00 to 5:00. Children are in small groups with 2 mentors that help with homework, read with the children, and play games with them. Wednesday Evening Celebration PlaceOn Wednesday evenings during our adult Celebrate Recovery and Wonderful Wednesday Discipleship Classes, we offer Celebration Place for preschool and elementary-aged kids where they learn more about Jesus and have fun playing under the supervision of our caring volunteers.
Safe SanctuariesHiggins adheres to the Global Methodist Church Safe Sanctuaries Policy to ensure safety of all of our children. We take the safety of all children very seriously at Higgins. As part of Safe Sanctuaries: